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Showing posts from August, 2017

Not a very good day

Sometimes I just think that studying in a college just doesn't seem right for me. I don't like how we know we are going to say goodbye shortly so we don't put our whole hearts into making friends. It shouldn't be this way.  I guess I should've have taken Form6. I don't mind studying hard. I just wanna be how I was when I was in secondary school. I had never moaned even I had to wake up at 6 in the morning to go to school back then. But I do now even if it is a 2pm class.  I just don't feel like going to college. There's nothing I miss. I know this is what I'm going to experience when I chose A levels. We give and take in life. Haha.  Being independent and study hard because I need to apply for private universities. So I give up one and a half year of happiness to strive for the best  universities in overseas. Good choice or nah?  I don't know. I just regret every time seeing other friends in form 6 hanging out with their schoolmates even duri


生活像缺了一块,却说不上是什么。 空虚。 像是忽然没了目标,没了努力奋斗的理由。明明还有很多东西要做。 东西真的很多,快叠成山。明知道好好玩了就该勤劳做事,但完全提不起劲儿,也不懂原因。脸书刷多了觉得没意思,也不想读书,仿佛忘记这生活是怎么过的了。 闷闷不乐。明明一样东西也没少。 想与世隔绝。


"0,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10"他盯着自己的手指算道。 她一脸懵懂地看着他,完全摸不清他的意图。他望了她一眼,再次算到"0,2,3,..." 她傻傻地把话接下去:"11,12,13,14..." 还没数完,他整身就栽到沙发的另一边,肩膀稍微抖动。他的干笑里掺杂些许无奈。她不明所以。 他坐起来,不死心的继续数着。她瞬时明白过来。 "1呢?" 他静默不语,意味深长地看着她。 "1去了哪里?"她追问。 "1不见了,因为你是我的唯一。"他对她贼笑道,伸手搂她的腰,让她更靠近他一些。她嘴角扬起,轻轻拍他的胸口一下。 他帮她撩几根发丝到耳后,接着注视她双颊发红的模样。 他真的爱死这女人了。 他忍不住俯身吻住她的双唇,把怀里的人儿抱得更紧。 她娇羞地笑了。


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